Category Archives: You Tube

We Got Into the Leaf Festival

We got into the Leaf Festival. I was unaware of how much I was pulling away from faith, mysticism and the Truth until I watched this video. I have been worrying about bills, money, and bullshit and forgetting about miracles, beauty and truth. Logistics are a lie. I am blessed and amazing and God is good. I’ve got nothing to worry about.

Everything is better than okay. I got into the Leaf Festival and have nothing to fear but fear itself.



Just Another Wednesday Night For Mushpa y Mensa

Moving to Wilmington, North Carolina after living in NYC for over 16 years seems like a big deal, but it wasn’t. Change is a good thing. Life is good. You find all sorts of amazing people and things here you can’t find up North. For one, people are nice and swimming in the ocean I don’t bump into dirty diapers or needles. I said it. :]

Anyway, I decided I am going to start to highlight my new life in the South and the people I run into. Tonight’s southern star is a bartender at Front Street Brewery who wowed us with his glass magic.




Becoming Friends

One of my friends asked to chat me up on g-chat, so I logged on and added her today. It’s been a couple years since I’ve logged onto g-mail. I decided to check out my emails and saw an email from 2011 asking me to add BAIKAMARAJR as a friend. Obviously by now the request had expired, but I went to check it out the YouTube channel and this is what I found….greatness and beauty. This reminded me that life, God, the Universe always has my back, blessing me with what I need when I need it. Everything is bigger than what I think I see in front of me.

Life is a miracle everyday in darkness and light.

