Category Archives: Music

Art Filled Weekend in North Carolina

Hi All!

Feeling the autumn yet? Well in North Carolina we are JUST about starting to feel the chill. And moving from the big apple, I cannot complain. It’s a chill that cools my toes, and makes the heart warm.

Our journey in North Carolina has been wonderful so far. Having the art truck open has made me think about life quite differently. Richness comes through other means, other than the monetary. And of course that is the cliche. But one thing is saying it, and another is living it. At first every time a bill would come through our mail, my stomach would turn, and I would start worrying about how is it that we were gonna cover this one. But God always had my back, the Universe made it happen, and we always had money to pay it in the end.

Today another financial conundrum came our way. And that same stomach churning was starting to drag me down. But after shaking myself, I thought, don’t we ALWAYS make it happen some way? I said, yes. We do. And that’s when I things seemed a little more clear. All this life we are living, selling our art. This is why I am here. These moments of financial strains are the small price to pay for living the life I want. And once I learn how to deal with them, instead of letting them smack me in the face, I will deflect them away from me  and my environment and put them in a box of with some other papers that hold little value in life that will eventually be taken care of. Keeping the focus on life money, not real money,  is the best way to deal. Because always God will have my back. And that box of bills is only a box. And the only box that matters is the box truck where we sell our art. Where we are making our dream happen. And the beauty, the creativity, the human connections that spills out of that box is worth so much more than any pink envelope with a notice.

So in the spirit of the chilly winds, and the beauty that surrounds us in these Carolinas, I invite you to join us to TWO AMAZING events we are going to be at this weekend Nov 21-22.

1. Art for the Masses. Because art that the masses cannot enjoy, is never the intent of the artists. All artists want art for all. So we make it accessible for you.

2. Carolina Pine Music Festival. Because Music + Art + Food is the best combination that humans have been able to create over the centuries, and there is never too much of that.

And with that I will leave you with a little sound to the ears from one of the coolest music makers in Wilmington. Stray Local. Make sure to check them out on Sunday at the Carolina Pine Music Festival’s Art Factory where among other artists, and ourselves, we will all be.

Hope to see you there!


An Instrumental Lesson: The Heroic Weather-Conditions of the Universe

First, a harp

Next, pizzicato cellos

Flute and piccolo

Electric guitar


Classical guitar


Thin wood blocks

And two more harps

B-3 organ


Bowed vibraphone

And piano

Pizzicato violins

And double bass

Tubular bells

And the glockenspiel

The ride cymbal


Snare drums



Sixteen baritone bass singers




French horns

Tenor sax





Thank you very much for listening.


Unlocking the Truth

My friend Sabrina school me on amazingness once again. I love these 6th graders (here, now they’re 7th graders). Beauty and Truth aka Malcolm and Jared.

Always remember, you bully people and you’ll end up homeless. Truth.

Rock on!


Becoming Friends

One of my friends asked to chat me up on g-chat, so I logged on and added her today. It’s been a couple years since I’ve logged onto g-mail. I decided to check out my emails and saw an email from 2011 asking me to add BAIKAMARAJR as a friend. Obviously by now the request had expired, but I went to check it out the YouTube channel and this is what I found….greatness and beauty. This reminded me that life, God, the Universe always has my back, blessing me with what I need when I need it. Everything is bigger than what I think I see in front of me.

Life is a miracle everyday in darkness and light.

