Category Archives: Video

Mushpa + Mensa in the 21st Annual Cucalorus Film Festival 10×10


Last week we went to Cucalorus’s opening night party.

The next day I got the flu.

The next day we made a movie.

The next day I was in the ER.

The next day I hurled all day.

The next day we were at the Cucalorus 10×10 Screening and CONNECT Presenters Party.

This was my last week and this is the film we made with our great team (Brianna Okamoto, Josh Stowe, Andy Nielsen, Hillary Scott). I wasn’t sure I was going to make it, the movie that is, but when you have a dream and are given an amazing opportunity you push through it all to get there.


We Got Into the Leaf Festival

We got into the Leaf Festival. I was unaware of how much I was pulling away from faith, mysticism and the Truth until I watched this video. I have been worrying about bills, money, and bullshit and forgetting about miracles, beauty and truth. Logistics are a lie. I am blessed and amazing and God is good. I’ve got nothing to worry about.

Everything is better than okay. I got into the Leaf Festival and have nothing to fear but fear itself.



Just Another Wednesday Night For Mushpa y Mensa

Moving to Wilmington, North Carolina after living in NYC for over 16 years seems like a big deal, but it wasn’t. Change is a good thing. Life is good. You find all sorts of amazing people and things here you can’t find up North. For one, people are nice and swimming in the ocean I don’t bump into dirty diapers or needles. I said it. :]

Anyway, I decided I am going to start to highlight my new life in the South and the people I run into. Tonight’s southern star is a bartender at Front Street Brewery who wowed us with his glass magic.




Unlocking the Truth

My friend Sabrina school me on amazingness once again. I love these 6th graders (here, now they’re 7th graders). Beauty and Truth aka Malcolm and Jared.

Always remember, you bully people and you’ll end up homeless. Truth.

Rock on!


Becoming Friends

One of my friends asked to chat me up on g-chat, so I logged on and added her today. It’s been a couple years since I’ve logged onto g-mail. I decided to check out my emails and saw an email from 2011 asking me to add BAIKAMARAJR as a friend. Obviously by now the request had expired, but I went to check it out the YouTube channel and this is what I found….greatness and beauty. This reminded me that life, God, the Universe always has my back, blessing me with what I need when I need it. Everything is bigger than what I think I see in front of me.

Life is a miracle everyday in darkness and light.

