Category Archives: Social Media

Your Own Damn Life

Jessica Flamholz
Jessica in a photo shoot we did based on Les Diaboliques.

A few years ago my friend Jessica gave me an 8 page printout of The Sun Magazine’s interview with Michael Meade, by John Malkin entitled, “Your Own Damn Life“, with the dedication, “Cara- May you be enlightened. 🙂 Love, Jess“.  She told me she had read it, thought it would be something I should read as well. Needless to say, over the last few years I have carried this printout with me from apartment to apartment, it has survived huge excavations of papers upon papers, spring cleaning and every time “Your Own Damn Life“, made it to see a new day.

A few weeks ago I came across the article again. I had this feeling that it was time to put this sucker to rest, push through it! Come on it’s only 8 pages! The last few weeks I have taken it with me everywhere and wondered when it would happen. Today for some reason I put it on the arm of the couch in the studio. Then tonight annoyed with life I walked in the room picked it up and started reading.

OMG, yes I said OMG, which is a rarity in itself. The article moved me. This is a simple word moved, and I use it to convey a genuinely beautiful experience. Let me begin with Jessica, who I knew the moment I met that I had known her before. Yes, in another life; I said it! :] I knew this instantly. She is still in my life and as far as I am concerned will always be. That said, it is no surprise something she put in my hands had this type of effect on me. Listen, the Universe is strong and powerful and beautiful. I get it, but sometimes reminders like this are a needed gift.

I found The Sun Magazine’s interview with Michael Meade, by John Malkin entitled, “Your Own Damn Life” in PDF form. Click “Your Own Damn Life” anywhere in the entry to read it. I promise you’ll get something from it. I dedicate this to all the struggling and lost souls out there…so basically to us all.

Life is so wondrous in its ways.

– Mushpa

First Flickr and Now This?!?!


Mensa getting ready for the Apocalypse with a bull’s eye, not bad. :]

Yes my friends we are kicking up our social media game lately. Here is Mushpa y Mensa’s new fun filled YouTube Video Channel where we showcase our how-to videos, La Mushpa y La Mensa having fun, going on amazing adventures, mini documentaries, hilarious hijinks, and whatever else we are moved by.


18 meters back I am the only woman to make the target and 1 out of 3 to hit it at all. :] I’m just sayin’ ;-] Apocalypse here I come!

For your entertainment there will also be a million playlists of sweet jams, serious segments, comedy, save-the-world videos among many others. Be ready for the Mushpa y Mensa visual art experience.

Much love,


So Big Brother is Watching Us?…..

The latest debate over whistleblower Snowden and the NSA has finally gotten people  talking about the outrageous (is it that surprising?) fact that our government “checks in” on millions of people….just because they can.

whistleblowers nsa

“Fighting terrorism” is an excuse that many people are getting sick and tired of hearing, specially when we are still investing (and corporations making money) in multiple wars in the Middle East with no true solution to getting out, and leaving these nations in a so called “peaceful state”.  And now Syria?…. Ok Obama….

nsa war on terror

So people are now saying…. “Oh no! Google can read my chats! Oh no… Facebook’s privacy policy sucks! Oh no! But the constitution says….!”

I have a proposal.

Let’s not stop at the saying….and let’s actually get some DOING done.

Here are three easy ways to at least try to avoid getting sucked in this “system”.


***3 EASY THINGS TO DO…..****

nsa google

1. Change from Gmail to another email provider, like Zoho…. research it. It’s not evil like google. Lovely IT Phenomenon Cara Reynolds (Mushpa) has written multiple posts about Google and has pointed me and a several others to the world of Zoho email. Same functions as Gmail, but has no red tail and horns. You can chat, save conversations, do document transfers…the whole shabam!

Check these out:

From The Day After an Inconvenient Truth: 1.“Just another reason I can’t stand google” 2. “Scroogle: the new and less evil Google” 3. “Some More Scroogle” 4. “The Grid”  and 5. “Google is Everywhere”

nsa facebook

2. Get OFF facebook. I’ve been facebook free for 6+ months after having had it on and off since 2006…. its worth it. Facebook is like a reality tv show. Entertains the masses, and keeps them occupied…. if staying in touch is what you want, then email, phones and even letters (which is so nice to get) gets the job done when you actually TRULY want to stay in touch. You know, and often hear, how much time we “waste” on the book of face. There is so much world out there! And so much to do! Let’s ditch the “like” and get real things done : )

verizon nsa

3. Phone companies? Well this one is trickier. I’m trying to get off Verizon with a contract….and a chunk of a fee, huh. No surprise there. They have their little Verizon drones trained so well, that they even tell you that the NSA scandal might all just be a rumor! I didn’t stick around too much to have a discussion with my Verizon rep, but so far I have ditched my cellphone (mostly because it’s a shattered iPhone, which magically breaks every year so I would have an excuse to buy a new one). It is much harder to keep up with the world with a landline…. So far I’m stuck on this one. T-mobile with their “no contract” deals still get to you in other ways.  So for now a landline will suffice….and taking pictures with a real camera (which is already better) and uploading to my computer might also take an extra minute…. Apparently I’ll be going back to the dark ages….

But being righteous takes work no? Who said fighting this battle would be easy? It’s kicking my butt for sure….On to the next challenge.

Bring it world!


Guess What We Have Now???


We are the proud new owners of a Mushpa y Mensa StumbleUpon!!! You know what we don’t have? Any followers… :[

FOLLOW US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

Please and thank you.
