Tag Archives: Michael Meade

Your Own Damn Life

Jessica Flamholz
Jessica in a photo shoot we did based on Les Diaboliques.

A few years ago my friend Jessica gave me an 8 page printout of The Sun Magazine’s interview with Michael Meade, by John Malkin entitled, “Your Own Damn Life“, with the dedication, “Cara- May you be enlightened. 🙂 Love, Jess“.  She told me she had read it, thought it would be something I should read as well. Needless to say, over the last few years I have carried this printout with me from apartment to apartment, it has survived huge excavations of papers upon papers, spring cleaning and every time “Your Own Damn Life“, made it to see a new day.

A few weeks ago I came across the article again. I had this feeling that it was time to put this sucker to rest, push through it! Come on it’s only 8 pages! The last few weeks I have taken it with me everywhere and wondered when it would happen. Today for some reason I put it on the arm of the couch in the studio. Then tonight annoyed with life I walked in the room picked it up and started reading.

OMG, yes I said OMG, which is a rarity in itself. The article moved me. This is a simple word moved, and I use it to convey a genuinely beautiful experience. Let me begin with Jessica, who I knew the moment I met that I had known her before. Yes, in another life; I said it! :] I knew this instantly. She is still in my life and as far as I am concerned will always be. That said, it is no surprise something she put in my hands had this type of effect on me. Listen, the Universe is strong and powerful and beautiful. I get it, but sometimes reminders like this are a needed gift.

I found The Sun Magazine’s interview with Michael Meade, by John Malkin entitled, “Your Own Damn Life” in PDF form. Click “Your Own Damn Life” anywhere in the entry to read it. I promise you’ll get something from it. I dedicate this to all the struggling and lost souls out there…so basically to us all.

Life is so wondrous in its ways.

– Mushpa