Tag Archives: DIY projects

Free 99 Cents Shelf

Sometimes we drool over the furniture on the street. Ok, correction. I drool over the furniture on the street and Mushpa tries to convince me not to bring trash into our home, and be a bit more…what shall we say, selective?

When we have more space, we will be bringing in all sorts of furniture to re-vamp and re-furbish, and potentially sell in our shop as well! This goes back to our idea of making things “from scratch”. On our 100th Blog Post we tried to explain our approach to doing things from now on. If we have the tools to be able to make it, then why not try to do it ourselves? Here is a perfect example.

reburbished furniture DIY

This is one of the pieces we found a block down from our home. We decided that if it was still there when we came back from our walk, that we would take it in.

reburbished furniture DIY

We needed storage, and we got some for free! With a few left-over spray paint cans, we painted it and now it looks fantabulous on our studio!

diy refurbisehd shelf

Thank you Mushpa for this one!

: )


Free 99¢ Shelf

Sometimes we drool over the furniture on the street. Ok, correction. I drool over the furniture on the street and Mushpa tries to convince me not to bring trash into our home, and be a bit more…what shall we say, selective?

When we have more space, we will be bringing in all sorts of furniture to re-vamp and re-furbish, and potentially sell in our shop as well! This goes back to our idea of making things “from scratch”. On our 100th Blog Post we tried to explain our approach to doing things from now on. If we have the tools to be able to make it, then why not try to do it ourselves? Here is a perfect example.

reburbished furniture DIY

This is one of the pieces we found a block down from our home. We decided that if it was still there when we came back from our walk, that we would take it in.

reburbished furniture DIY

We needed storage, and we got some for free! With a few left-over spray paint cans, we painted it and now it looks fantabulous on our studio!

diy refurbisehd shelf

Thank you Mushpa for this one!

: )


Crazy Crayons!

So we can recycle paper, plastic, aluminum and many other miscellaneous items, but how about recycling art supplies?

Did you know that more than 12 MILLION CRAYONS (which equals to about 120,000 pounds) are made in the US EVERY DAY?…that’s about 60 TONS of crayons made EVERY DAY! And crayons are made with petroleum based wax which end up in our landfills…How Eco is that? Not so much…CZCN000010002_dt

This really cool program called Crazy Crayons, takes all your old broken, unused and un-loved crayons from your schools, homes and studios and revamps them into 100% RECYCLED CRAYONS!

They also sell Fire Starters, perfect for lighting up your campfire or fire place with ease. This is another way they recycle and reuse ALL of the crayons, by using the wax covered crayon wrapers. Simply place a handful on top of wood or your fire pit and BOOM! Warmth that comes from a recycled source!


If you want to participate in the program make sure to check out their site where they give you all the details on how to prep your soon-to-be-recylced crayons, ideas for collecting unwanted crayons, and directions on how to best ship your old crayons!

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1.Make Some Funky Crayons

-Take all your old crayons from around your house

-Peel them and break them into small little pieces and put them in an old cookie mold

-Preheat oven to 250 degrees and bake for about 15-20 minutes until they have all melted.

-Patiently wait until they have cooled…Pop them out, and start a new coloring adventure!

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2. Melt some Crayons into Wall Art

-Take a blank canvas or a slab of old wood and align peeled crayons on top of canvass

-Glue them down with either a hot glue gun or strong all purpose glue and wait until they dry

-Take a blow dryer and hold over crayons until they begin to melt…and HAVE FUN! It might take a minute for the full effect to take place and for all crayons to melt, but it is a relaxing and easy project that can add a little color to any wall! :]

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Keep on coloring!
