It isn’t just about what we make, but also how we live. Por ejemplo, Mensa and I were trying to figure out a way not to put food waste in the garbage as to not attract flies or create a nesting site for said flies. We also didn’t want to have to bag up food everyday and throw it out. Then amidst the great obvious we realized we should compost. :] The next question is how to compost in a Brooklyn apartment. Let’s find out!!!
First off what can we compost? For us it will be food based only, but if you have land there are things you may compost from your garden you just need to do some research on exactly what. Okay, back to metro composting…
Things you can compost are:
- fruit and vegetable scraps
- coffee grounds and tea bags
- manure and bedding from animals that ONLY eat plants
- cut or dried flowers
- houseplants and potting soil
- sawdust and wood shavings (from untreated wood)
- stale beans, flour, and spices
- feathers
- breads and grains
- egg shells
- nutshells
- corncobs
- food-soiled paper towels and napkins
- shredded newspaper.
Some tips to good composting are add an equal amount of greens and browns to your compost bin, cut your food trash for faster composting, always maintain a top layer of browns. I said it. :] Keep your bin moist, but not wet. Lastly, stir well to aerate the food waste you love to call your compost.
Here is what you MAY NOT compost:
- meat or fish scraps
- cheese and dairy products
- fats, grease or oil
- cat or dog feces, kitty litter
- colored or glossy paper
- sawdust made from pressure-treated plywood or lumber
- coal or charcoal ashes
- non-compostable materials such as plastic, metals or glass
- diseased and/or insect-infested houseplants/soil
- biodegradable/compostable plastics
Now where to store it till we take it to a NYC drop off location? Ms. Mensa bought us a sealed, cubed container at the Dollar Store. Boom!

Another option offered to New York City residents are low cost compost bins, they even have coupons for composting worms here. What???
Next, where do we bring our compost scraps once our bin is full? Here is a list of all Brooklyn drop-off locations and for those outside of the realm of Brooklyn here are food waste drop-off sites in other boroughs.
What you want to be a composting super hero??? Here is your chance to take the NYC Master Composter Certificate Course. Nice!
Alright, let’s do this!