Tag Archives: kickstarter stretch goal

The Final Stretch!

stretch goal coverWe all did it people!!! We made our goal at 7:30AM this morning. Thank you, Thank you and did we mention Thank You to all that pledged, sent their good energy and basically believed in us.  It has been a long journey and we are glad you took it with us.

stretch goal!

For all you that thought you missed your opportunity, you still have a chance to pledge. Whew… We are literally HOURS away from the end of Mushpa y Mensa’s “Box Truck into an Art Truck” Kickstarter Campaign and are still taking pledges till 2:15PM today. We would like to raise an additional $800 for an add-on of a Lo-Jack Recovery System. We did not add this in the Kickstarter original amount as we wanted to have it at the lowest possible amount to get the truck done, so that we’d make that goal. Now that we made that goal we can add additional items, like security. I, Cara, personally voted for a bad-ass hood ornament and spinning rims, but Mar Emilia is probably right.

We can’t wait to get to the next steps of creation of Maya, Art Truck. Thank you for helping us get there.

Much love,

Cara Elaine and Maria Emilia (Mushpa y Mensa)